This lesson is still being designed and assembled (Pre-Alpha version)

Investigating large datasets in R


Teaching: min
Exercises: min
  • How can we evaluate direct relationships between two variables?

  • How can we evaluate more complex relationships between multiple, interacting variables?

  • Explore a large dataset graphically

  • Develop simple models with lm()

  • Choose new packages and interpret package descriptions

  • Analyze complex models using Information Theoretic (IT) Model Averaging (arm and MuMIn packages)


Let’s begin by loading the data and packages necessary to start this lesson.

# Load packages

# Load data

Exploring the dataset

In previous lessons we’ve worked with the plant physiology dataset from O’Keefe and Nippert 2018. As a reminder, these data were collected to address the following objectives:

  1. How do nocturnal and daytime transpiration vary among coexisting grasses, forbs, and shrubs in a tallgrass prairie?
  2. What environmental variables drive nocturnal transpiration and do these differ from the drivers of daytime transpiration?
  3. Are nocturnal transpiration and stomatal conductance associated with daytime physiological processes?

We’ll use this dataset to explore the relationships between leaf transpiration and potential drivers of transpiration

Transpiration parameters:

  1. Nocturnal transpiration (Trmmol_night)
  2. Nocturnal stomatal conductance (Cond_night)
  3. Daytime transpiration (Trmmol_day)
  4. Daytime stomatal conductance (Cond_night)

Potential drivers:

  1. Nocturnal vapor pressure deficit (VPD_N)
  2. Nocturnal air temperature (TAIR_N)
  3. Daytime vapor pressure deficit (VPD_D)
  4. Daytime air temperature (TAIR_D)
  5. Daily average soil moisture (Soil_moisture)
  6. Predawn leaf water potential (PD)
  7. Midday leaf water potential (MD)
  8. Photosynthesis (Photo)
  9. Plant functional group (Fgroup)

First, let’s review plotting in ggplot and investigate the relationship between nocturnal transpiration and nocturnal stomatal conductance.

Challenge 1

Use ggplot to create a scatterplot of the relationship between nocturnal transpiration and nocturnal stomatal conductance.

Solution to Challenge 1

# Nocturnal transpiration vs. nocturnal stomatal conductance
ggplot(phys_data, aes(x=Cond_night, y=Trmmol_night)) +
 geom_point() +
 xlab("Nocturnal Conductance") +
 ylab("Nocturnal Transpiration") +

plot of chunk ch1-soln

Challenge 2

Does this relationship differ between the different plant functional groups (grass, forb, woody)?

Solution to Challenge 2

ggplot(phys_data, aes(x=Cond_night, y=Trmmol_night, color=Fgroup)) +
 geom_point() +
 xlab("Nocturnal Conductance") +
 ylab("Nocturnal Transpiration") +

plot of chunk ch2-soln

Using a Simple Model

As you can see, plotting our data can be informative, but it doesn’t necessarily tell us much about the statistical relationships between variables. We are going to start investigate the relationships between these data by using a simple linear regression. Linear regression is used to predict the value of a dependent variable Y based on one or more input independent (predictor) variables X, with the following basic equation:

In this equation, is the dependent variable, is the intercept, is the slope, and is the error term.

To build this equation in R, we’ll use the lm() function. lm() is included in the base R package, so you don’t have to load it into your workspace to use. lm() takes three basic arguments: the dependent variable, the independent variable, and the dataframe from which the data is used. The model is specified using a particular format, and is typically assigned to an object:

model_name <- lm(dependent_variable ~ independent_variable, data=dataframe_name )

We can then view our model output with the summary() function.

fit_trmmol <- lm(Trmmol_night ~ Cond_night, data=phys_data)

lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Cond_night, data = phys_data)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.98937 -0.09752 -0.01945  0.07498  0.78951 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  0.13433    0.01548    8.68 3.31e-16 ***
Cond_night  10.39960    0.33128   31.39  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.1843 on 280 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.7787,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.778 
F-statistic: 985.5 on 1 and 280 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16

From this output, we’re usually interested in the following results:

As you can see, there is a significant positive relationship between nocturnal transpiration and nocturnal conductance. This makes sense; as plant stomata open, more water can escape from the leaf. Let’s visual this regression on our scatterplot with geom_smooth():

ggplot(phys_data, aes(x=Cond_night, y=Trmmol_night)) +
  geom_point() +
  geom_smooth(method='lm') +
  xlab("Nocturnal Conductance") +
  ylab("Nocturnal Transpiration") +

plot of chunk smoothing-regression

More Complex Models

Now that we know how to test for the effect of one variable on the dependent variable, let’s test for the effect of multiple variables on the dependent variable. This will be especially useful for understanding what drives nocturnal transpiration and nocturnal conductance, as there are likely multiple, interacting drivers for these parameters.

You can add additional variables to your model by using the following formula:

model_name <- lm(dependent_variable ~ independent_variable_1 * independent_variable_2, data=dataframe_name )

Note that adding an asterisk * between the two independent variables indicates that we will be testing for the effects of independent variable 1, independent variable 2, and their interaction on the dependent variable. If we were not interested in testing for interactions among independent variables, we could replace the * with a + sign.

Challenge 3

Create a model that tests for the effects of four factors on either transpiration or stomatal conductance.

Solution to Challenge 3

fit_all <- lm(Trmmol_night ~ VPD_N * TAIR_N * Soil_moisture * Fgroup, data=phys_data)

lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ VPD_N * TAIR_N * Soil_moisture * 
   Fgroup, data = phys_data)

    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.79840 -0.20271 -0.05773  0.12702  1.42836 

                                        Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)                             -4.224992   3.607216  -1.171
VPD_N                                    2.809890   6.789476   0.414
TAIR_N                                   0.269662   0.188632   1.430
Soil_moisture                           24.056256  23.860637   1.008
Fgroupgrass                             -2.300135   4.622194  -0.498
Fgroupwoody                              2.784390   4.582030   0.608
VPD_N:TAIR_N                            -0.177891   0.287298  -0.619
VPD_N:Soil_moisture                     -7.433865  52.156806  -0.143
TAIR_N:Soil_moisture                    -1.408985   1.231951  -1.144
VPD_N:Fgroupgrass                        6.761417   8.445400   0.801
VPD_N:Fgroupwoody                        0.766499   8.434074   0.091
TAIR_N:Fgroupgrass                       0.134513   0.243379   0.553
TAIR_N:Fgroupwoody                      -0.172222   0.240418  -0.716
Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass               28.520689  30.394684   0.938
Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody              -13.406242  30.119156  -0.445
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Soil_moisture               0.661956   2.176396   0.304
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Fgroupgrass                -0.318487   0.359046  -0.887
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Fgroupwoody                 0.008865   0.357972   0.025
VPD_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass        -75.146534  64.206261  -1.170
VPD_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody        -16.251816  64.126051  -0.253
TAIR_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass        -1.426020   1.582136  -0.901
TAIR_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody         0.882050   1.561290   0.565
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass   3.315745   2.691432   1.232
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody   0.417599   2.684198   0.156
(Intercept)                               0.243
VPD_N                                     0.679
TAIR_N                                    0.154
Soil_moisture                             0.314
Fgroupgrass                               0.619
Fgroupwoody                               0.544
VPD_N:TAIR_N                              0.536
VPD_N:Soil_moisture                       0.887
TAIR_N:Soil_moisture                      0.254
VPD_N:Fgroupgrass                         0.424
VPD_N:Fgroupwoody                         0.928
TAIR_N:Fgroupgrass                        0.581
TAIR_N:Fgroupwoody                        0.474
Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass                 0.349
Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody                 0.657
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Soil_moisture                0.761
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Fgroupgrass                  0.376
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Fgroupwoody                  0.980
VPD_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass           0.243
VPD_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody           0.800
TAIR_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass          0.368
TAIR_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody          0.573
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass    0.219
VPD_N:TAIR_N:Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody    0.876

Residual standard error: 0.3611 on 258 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.2172,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.1474 
F-statistic: 3.113 on 23 and 258 DF,  p-value: 5.543e-06

How to Work with Complex Models: IT Model Averaging

As you can see, we have a lot of potential interactions with just four independent variables in our model! This becomes incredibly difficult to interpret, so we often have to look for other methods to analyze complex relationships in our data.

Although there are many different and valid ways to approach a statistical problem, today we are going to use Information Theoretic (IT) Model Averaging. Rather than creating a model with all possible variables and interactions, IT Model Averaging:

IT Model Averaging quantifies multiple competing hypotheses and is better able to avoid over-parameterization than traditional methods using a single model. To get started, we need to create a “global model” that includes all possible predictor variables. To simplify things even further, let’s only consider pairwise interactions among predictors. For this, R syntax supports polynomial expansions: you can write the terms as an additive model, then place the set of terms for which you want pairwise interactions in parentheses and square the sum, as in (x + y)^2.

model_name <- lm(dependent_variable ~ (independent_variable_1 + independent_variable_2)^2, data=dataframe_name )

# Global model
fit_IT <- lm(Trmmol_night ~ (VPD_N + TAIR_N + Soil_moisture + Fgroup)^2, data=phys_data)

IT Model Averaging requires the following packages:

Let’s install and load these packages before we begin:

# Install packages
# Load packages

Before we start using these functions, let’s take a look at the package descriptions for arm and MuMIn

Note: When reading package descriptions, it is important to:

First, let’s standardize our input variables with the standardize() function in the arm package. standardize() rescales numeric variables that take on more than two values to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 0.5. To do this, we just need to specify the object to standardize (our global model, fit_IT):

# Standardize the global model


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ (z.VPD_N + z.TAIR_N + z.Soil_moisture + 
    Fgroup)^2, data = phys_data)

     Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
-0.69948 -0.21909 -0.06959  0.13788  1.48475 

                            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)                  0.50765    0.06199   8.189  1.1e-14 ***
z.VPD_N                     -0.29681    0.18108  -1.639  0.10237    
z.TAIR_N                     0.25517    0.18549   1.376  0.17007    
z.Soil_moisture             -0.07790    0.09859  -0.790  0.43015    
Fgroupgrass                  0.08123    0.05679   1.430  0.15381    
Fgroupwoody                 -0.02886    0.05644  -0.511  0.60960    
z.VPD_N:z.TAIR_N            -0.12601    0.18162  -0.694  0.48841    
z.VPD_N:z.Soil_moisture      0.49627    0.26345   1.884  0.06069 .  
z.VPD_N:Fgroupgrass         -0.01030    0.20095  -0.051  0.95915    
z.VPD_N:Fgroupwoody          0.06443    0.20076   0.321  0.74853    
z.TAIR_N:z.Soil_moisture    -0.36228    0.23247  -1.558  0.12033    
z.TAIR_N:Fgroupgrass        -0.28903    0.20357  -1.420  0.15682    
z.TAIR_N:Fgroupwoody        -0.11230    0.20289  -0.554  0.58038    
z.Soil_moisture:Fgroupgrass  0.36120    0.12340   2.927  0.00372 ** 
z.Soil_moisture:Fgroupwoody  0.20905    0.12133   1.723  0.08606 .  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.366 on 267 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.1677,	Adjusted R-squared:  0.1241 
F-statistic: 3.844 on 14 and 267 DF,  p-value: 5.864e-06

Next, we create the full submodel set with the dredge() function in the MuMIn package by specifying the object that dredge() will evaluate (our standardized model, stdz.model). We also need to change the default “na.omit” to prevent models from being fitted to different datasets in case of missing values using options( :


The get.models() function will then create a top model set. First, we need to specify the object that get.models will evaluate (our model set, model.set), and then we need to specify the subset of models to include all models within 4AICcs with subset=delta<4:

top.models<-get.models(model.set, subset=delta<4)

lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.VPD_N + 
    Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.45599                      0.08474  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02706                     -0.05451  
                    z.VPD_N  Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.08277                      0.30260  
Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture          Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N  
                    0.18432                     -0.24586  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.TAIR_N + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.45588                      0.08438  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02715                     -0.08780  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.13918                     -0.19087  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.37120                      0.19707  
       Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N         Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N  
                   -0.29612                     -0.05893  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.VPD_N + 
    Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.VPD_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + 
    1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.45795                      0.08526  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02673                     -0.06552  
                    z.VPD_N  Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.08653                      0.30382  
Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture          Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N  
                    0.18475                     -0.24589  
        Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N      z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N  
                   -0.02866                      0.12475  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.TAIR_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + 
    1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.45794                      0.08501  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02684                     -0.10473  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.16103                     -0.21286  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.37291                      0.19749  
       Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N         Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N  
                   -0.29570                     -0.05901  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.TAIR_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N + 
    z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.47927                      0.08242  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02782                     -0.09021  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.27560                     -0.31517  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.36516                      0.19614  
       Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N         Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N  
                   -0.29793                     -0.05876  
   z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N      z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N  
                   -0.31673                      0.47275  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.TAIR_N + z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N + 
    1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.47783                      0.08378  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02791                     -0.07803  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.09672                     -0.14884  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.37079                      0.19602  
       Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N         Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N  
                   -0.29567                     -0.05873  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.TAIR_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N + 
    1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.45319                      0.08509  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02685                     -0.09761  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.12938                     -0.18320  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.37325                      0.19748  
       Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N         Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N  
                   -0.29556                     -0.05901  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                   0.455988                     0.084770  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                  -0.027072                    -0.056180  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                   0.006906                    -0.088422  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                   0.302750                     0.184306  
        Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N          Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N  
                  -0.245816                    -0.028470  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.VPD_N + 
    Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.45664                      0.08483  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02766                     -0.06058  
                    z.VPD_N  Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.18548                      0.32165  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.TAIR_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N + 
    z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.50762                      0.08122  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02891                     -0.07341  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.23841                     -0.27666  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.36323                      0.19463  
       Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N         Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N  
                   -0.29781                     -0.05847  
   z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N      z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N  
                   -0.36274                      0.49676  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.VPD_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + 
    1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.45806                      0.08540  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02677                     -0.07323  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.02900                     -0.11050  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.30455                      0.18470  
        Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N          Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N  
                   -0.24572                     -0.02864  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.VPD_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N + 
    z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.47893                      0.08287  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02772                     -0.05888  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.14039                     -0.21052  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.29655                      0.18346  
        Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N          Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N  
                   -0.24647                     -0.02811  
   z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N      z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N  
                   -0.30990                      0.46615  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.TAIR_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + 
    z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.46694                      0.08472  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02718                     -0.09950  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                    0.14184                     -0.19383  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.37263                      0.19702  
       Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N         Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N  
                   -0.29554                     -0.05892  
    z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N             z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N  
                    0.12291                     -0.04486  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.VPD_N + 
    Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.45859                      0.08534  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02733                     -0.07161  
                    z.VPD_N  Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.18932                      0.32287  
Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture      z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N  
                    0.18588                      0.12490  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.VPD_N + 
    Fgroup:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

        (Intercept)          Fgroupgrass          Fgroupwoody  
            0.45595              0.08290             -0.02692  
    z.Soil_moisture              z.VPD_N  Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N  
            0.12331             -0.07192             -0.26721  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.VPD_N + 
    Fgroup:z.VPD_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N + 1, data = phys_data)

            (Intercept)              Fgroupgrass              Fgroupwoody  
                0.45787                  0.08340                 -0.02660  
        z.Soil_moisture                  z.VPD_N      Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N  
                0.11309                 -0.07558                 -0.26732  
    Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N  z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N  
               -0.03998                  0.12241  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.VPD_N + z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N + 
    1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                    0.47803                      0.08417  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                   -0.02784                     -0.04644  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                   -0.03549                     -0.04657  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                    0.30246                      0.18331  
        Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N          Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N  
                   -0.24526                     -0.02805  


lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ Fgroup + z.Soil_moisture + z.TAIR_N + 
    z.VPD_N + Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture + Fgroup:z.VPD_N + z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N + 
    1, data = phys_data)

                (Intercept)                  Fgroupgrass  
                   0.453206                     0.085501  
                Fgroupwoody              z.Soil_moisture  
                  -0.026767                    -0.066327  
                   z.TAIR_N                      z.VPD_N  
                  -0.003009                    -0.080515  
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  
                   0.304973                     0.184703  
        Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N          Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N  
                  -0.245638                    -0.028639  

function (x)"rank", list(x))
<environment: 0x7fd46a6294c0>
[1] "function"     "rankFunction"
[1] "none"

Finally, we’ll use the model.avg() function to create our average model and calculates relative importance. We need to specify the object that model.avg() will evaluate (in this case our top model set, top.models):


To check out our final average model, use the summary() function:


model.avg(object = top.models)

Component model call: 
lm(formula = Trmmol_night ~ <18 unique rhs>, data = phys_data)

Component models: 
                   df  logLik   AICc delta weight
1/2/4/5/7          10 -112.22 245.25  0.00   0.14
1/2/3/4/5/6        11 -111.24 245.46  0.21   0.12
1/2/4/5/7/9        11 -111.43 245.84  0.60   0.10
1/2/3/4/5/6/9      12 -110.40 245.95  0.71   0.10
1/2/3/4/5/6/8/9    13 -109.34 246.03  0.78   0.09
1/2/3/4/5/6/10     12 -111.02 247.20  1.95   0.05
1/2/3/4/5/6/8      12 -111.05 247.26  2.02   0.05
1/2/3/4/5/7        11 -112.21 247.40  2.16   0.05
1/2/4/5             8 -115.51 247.55  2.30   0.04
1/2/3/4/5/6/8/9/10 14 -109.08 247.74  2.49   0.04
1/2/3/4/5/7/9      12 -111.37 247.89  2.65   0.04
1/2/3/4/5/7/8/9    13 -110.36 248.07  2.83   0.03
1/2/3/4/5/6/9/10   13 -110.36 248.08  2.84   0.03
1/2/4/5/9           9 -114.74 248.14  2.90   0.03
1/2/4/7             8 -115.83 248.18  2.93   0.03
1/2/4/7/9           9 -115.09 248.84  3.60   0.02
1/2/3/4/5/7/10     12 -111.99 249.14  3.90   0.02
1/2/3/4/5/7/8      12 -112.01 249.19  3.94   0.02

Term codes: 
                  Fgroup          z.Soil_moisture                 z.TAIR_N 
                       1                        2                        3 
                 z.VPD_N   Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture          Fgroup:z.TAIR_N 
                       4                        5                        6 
          Fgroup:z.VPD_N z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N  z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N 
                       7                        8                        9 

Model-averaged coefficients:  
(full average) 
                            Estimate Std. Error Adjusted SE z value
(Intercept)                  0.46320    0.04822     0.04842   9.566
Fgroupgrass                  0.08429    0.05677     0.05703   1.478
Fgroupwoody                 -0.02724    0.05644     0.05670   0.480
z.Soil_moisture             -0.06573    0.09921     0.09955   0.660
z.VPD_N                     -0.16164    0.12008     0.12041   1.342
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  0.32029    0.13875     0.13915   2.302
Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  0.18049    0.11713     0.11759   1.535
Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N         -0.11026    0.14475     0.14493   0.761
Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N         -0.01326    0.07689     0.07722   0.172
z.TAIR_N                     0.08815    0.13194     0.13223   0.667
Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N        -0.14267    0.16801     0.16818   0.848
Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N        -0.02834    0.08439     0.08472   0.334
z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N      0.11882    0.20715     0.20747   0.573
z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N    -0.04975    0.15493     0.15518   0.321
z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N            -0.01398    0.07414     0.07440   0.188
(Intercept)                   <2e-16 ***
Fgroupgrass                   0.1394    
Fgroupwoody                   0.6310    
z.Soil_moisture               0.5091    
z.VPD_N                       0.1795    
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture   0.0213 *  
Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture   0.1248    
Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N           0.4468    
Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N           0.8637    
z.TAIR_N                      0.5050    
Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N          0.3963    
Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N          0.7380    
z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N       0.5668    
z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N      0.7485    
z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N              0.8509    
(conditional average) 
                            Estimate Std. Error Adjusted SE z value
(Intercept)                  0.46320    0.04822     0.04842   9.566
Fgroupgrass                  0.08429    0.05677     0.05703   1.478
Fgroupwoody                 -0.02724    0.05644     0.05670   0.480
z.Soil_moisture             -0.06573    0.09921     0.09955   0.660
z.VPD_N                     -0.16164    0.12008     0.12041   1.342
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  0.33849    0.11910     0.11959   2.830
Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  0.19074    0.11200     0.11250   1.696
Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N         -0.24845    0.11350     0.11400   2.179
Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N         -0.02987    0.11324     0.11375   0.263
z.TAIR_N                     0.13882    0.14277     0.14319   0.969
Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N        -0.29638    0.11438     0.11489   2.580
Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N        -0.05886    0.11400     0.11451   0.514
z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N      0.24601    0.23991     0.24047   1.023
z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N    -0.21431    0.26104     0.26169   0.819
z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N            -0.09822    0.17417     0.17494   0.561
(Intercept)                  < 2e-16 ***
Fgroupgrass                  0.13937    
Fgroupwoody                  0.63096    
z.Soil_moisture              0.50912    
z.VPD_N                      0.17945    
Fgroupgrass:z.Soil_moisture  0.00465 ** 
Fgroupwoody:z.Soil_moisture  0.08998 .  
Fgroupgrass:z.VPD_N          0.02930 *  
Fgroupwoody:z.VPD_N          0.79285    
z.TAIR_N                     0.33230    
Fgroupgrass:z.TAIR_N         0.00989 ** 
Fgroupwoody:z.TAIR_N         0.60723    
z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N      0.30630    
z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N     0.41281    
z.TAIR_N:z.VPD_N             0.57449    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

This is a lot of information! We can see which component models were chosen as the top model set and then averaged, as well as their associated ranking information. We can also see the model-averaged coefficients for both the full average model and conditional average model.

The conditional average only averages over the models where the parameter appears. Conversely, the full average assumes that a variable is included in every model, but in some models the corresponding coefficient (and its respective variance) is set to zero. Unlike the conditional average, the full average does not bias the value away from zero.

We can also check out the relative importance of each factor within the model with the importance() function. Relative importance is a unitless metric ranging from 0 (doesn’t contribute to the model at all) to 1 (contributes heavily to the model). This function will also give use the number of models within the top model set that contain each factor.

                     Fgroup z.Soil_moisture z.VPD_N Fgroup:z.Soil_moisture
Sum of weights:      1.00   1.00            1.00    0.95                  
N containing models:   18     18              18      16                  
                     z.TAIR_N z.Soil_moisture:z.VPD_N Fgroup:z.TAIR_N
Sum of weights:      0.63     0.48                    0.48           
N containing models:   12        9                       7           
                     Fgroup:z.VPD_N z.Soil_moisture:z.TAIR_N
Sum of weights:      0.44           0.23                    
N containing models:    9              5                    
Sum of weights:      0.14            
N containing models:    4            

Challenge 4

Using IT Model Averaging, create a model that tests for the effects of four factors on either transpiration or stomatal conductance. Then, create a plot that best illustrates the main finding of your top model. Ultimately, your results should be able to address one of these questions:

  • What environmental variables drive nocturnal transpiration / stomatal conductance, and do these differ from the drivers of daytime transpiration / stomatal conductance?
  • Are nocturnal transpiration and stomatal conductance associated with daytime physiological processes?

Key Points

  • Linear regression is a quick and easy way to evaluate the direct relationship between two variables.

  • IT Model Averaging is one approach to evaluate more complex relationships between variables.

  • There are often many valid approaches to address a question in R and understanding how to interpret R packages can help determine which approach might be most appropriate.